membership application / RENEWAL
Membership costs $50 per year and is due for renewal each July at the annual general meeting.
New members are also required to pay a $20 joining fee.
Membership is calculated on a pro rata basis and fees are listed below
Join between July and October $50
Join between November and February $40
Join between March and June $20
Click on the membership_application_3.pdf. this is for 2024-2025
When complete, bring along to the next meeting.
XR-XY ZA-ZD Falcon Fairlane Club of Vic Inc
Please note we no longer have the PO Box, all correspondence by the contact page
or Phone David Forde 0438 101 783
New members are also required to pay a $20 joining fee.
Membership is calculated on a pro rata basis and fees are listed below
Join between July and October $50
Join between November and February $40
Join between March and June $20
Click on the membership_application_3.pdf. this is for 2024-2025
When complete, bring along to the next meeting.
XR-XY ZA-ZD Falcon Fairlane Club of Vic Inc
Please note we no longer have the PO Box, all correspondence by the contact page
or Phone David Forde 0438 101 783